Candle Care

Taking Care of your Candle

I use safe materials for my candles and I want to make sure that you are safe while enjoying one of my candles. Here are a few tips:

1. Trim the wick. Before lighting a candle, trim the wick to be approximately ¼ inch. This will keep the flame from becoming too large, which can ultimately help prevent a home fire. This should be done every time.

2. To light it, use a long match or long lighter. Those who play with fire often get burned. Literally. To keep your hand from getting too close to the flame, always use a long match or long lighter.

3. Then, dispose of the match properly. Even if there’s no flame, there’s still heat. So, believe it or not, you can actually start a fire just by throwing a match in the trash. Especially if it’s surrounded by flammable materials like tissues and paper. That’s why we recommend running used matches under water (to cool them down) before tossing them out. However, you can also let them come to room temperature on a flame-resistant dish.

4. Keep the candle in your sight. When there’s a lit candle in the room, you should be there, too. After all, keeping it close by is just one of the ways to keep damage from happening. For example, let’s say you lit a candle in the kitchen and then wandered away. If your candle accidentally caught something on fire, you might not know until it’s too late. Staying within the line of sight will help you see if it needs immediate attention.

5. Pick the perfect spot to enjoy the scent. The best place to burn a candle is on a stable, heat-resistant surface. So, in addition to keeping your candle in sight, you should find an area away from children, pets, windows or drafts and flammable materials (like furniture, curtains, carpeting, paper, etc.). This will help reduce the risk of candle catastrophes. (Wondering why you should be worried about windows? Here are the facts: A draft from a window or thinly insulated area can actually carry a flame, causing surrounding items to catch fire.)

6. Don’t burn for more than 3 - 4 hours. When your candle is burning, carbon collects on the wick. Letting it go for too long can cause the wick to become unstable and the flame to get too large. Make sure that your candle has melted all the way to the edge to prevent tunneling. Candles have memory and if you do not do this very critical step it will continue to tunnel without performing a very evasive tactic to fix it.

7.  Extinguish appropriately. Suffocate the flame, and prevent hot wax splatters in the process. By using a “snuffer” or simply putting the lid on a lit candle, the flames will effortlessly (and safely) die down.

8. Candle Storage - Candles are sensitive to light and temperature, you can avoid your candle from cracking and sweating by storing your candles in an upright position and in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and any other heat source.

9 - Avoid Draughts - Candles do burn at their very best in still air, if you cannot avoid draughts, follow the candle safety above and also turn your candle periodically to help avoid your candle burning unevenly.